Morning Glory
Director: Roger Michell
Starring: Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton
Year: 2010
Watched: 23/1/11
Rachel Mc Adams is a young television producer with big dreams of making it to some big named morning show that i cant remember the name of. She ends up working at Daybreak and decides the best way to revive the show is by bringing disgruntled Indiana reporter on air.
What I Thought...
I didn’t have high hopes for this one bit the idea of Harrison ford mumbling and grumbling was enough to get my bum in the seat. Rachel McAdams plays a young, sexy soon to be successful producer who cant seem to meet a nice guy and maintain a relationship with him. This in itself is silly far fetched as lets face it if Rachel Mc Adams had a tendency to set you on fire when you were sleeping you would still try and make it work.
We soon see McAdams let go from her job and hired to work on a calamity of a show named Daybreak. No joke it is called Daybreak. It doesn’t have sexy Christina and that penis from match of the day 2 but it does have Diane Keating.
Keating is very good as the daft, slightly past it anchor who just wants the show to work. A lot of the funny moments in the film come from her relationship with Harrison Ford. The funniest thing about the film is Harison ford who plays a once credible jounalist who is only staying with the company to get the money left on his contract. McAdams character decides to throw him back on screen. He is like a more mature disgruntled Ron Burgundy. Jeff goldblum makes an appearance as a fast talking Jewish man which means that he makes an appearance as Jeff Goldblum. I always enjoy a bit of Jeff and his flappy hands.
There is a typical romantic interest story line involving McAdams but the most interesting sections of the film are all about Harrison Ford as he mumbles and grumbles his way through the film pissing everyone off. It seem the script cant make up its mind if it is an all out romantic comedy about a single woman trying to balance a demanding job with unsociable hours, a comedy about and over the hill reporter who has stopped caring or a satirical comedy about the nature of broadcast journalism and the uneven balance between entertainment and news. i believe this last sentence probably breaks all rules of good english and grammar but it was the only way i could get it out.
Not amazing but with some good chuckles. Nice to see Harrison ford use his grumpiness for comedy. Goes a bit too cheesy towards the end.
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